Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Sumtimes after lots of hard werk, its good to take a break and has playtime.

Yesterdays my partner and I has fun with no ropes. First tehre was ropes- teh long one. But i still has backing up with just teh finger wagging. Over a pole, between teh jumps- I has skillz backing up!

Circles and sideways too- i can do it all.

Teh best fun was when we took teh ropes off. My partner had a small jump set up and I LUV jumping! so we plays first to make sure we want to stick togethers, and then wooheee we jumps! Ok i jumps cuz i has teh longer legs. so much fun! she points teh finger and i take off- weee! Tehn teh other way!

Tehn we plays circling which is hard cuz teh arena is not a circle- but I knows what to do- and sometimes i take teh jump just for fun- other times i goe around for breaks.

We has lots of fun, and if my flavors weren't waitinf for mee in teh stall, I wuld've stayed longer jumpings.

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