Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy Birthsdayz!

To equines teh world over- happy birthday! And to teh human partners, has a happy new year (dunt ask ur horses if tehy has resolutions- cuz we don't- its only something yu do as humans)!Uf course we each has individule days to celebrate, but tihs is teh official day- so I hopes you all got special prezents. I gots a carrot and had to share with Faith. Yum yum yum!

Teh wind has been amazing today- it keeps opening a gate down by teh pasture- and BANG scares teh mares every time. And so, todays I do not leave teh pasture to do work- it has importance to stay and protect teh herd. On days like tehse it is best to stick together- or at least in pairs. In tihs pictshure you can see Faiths has a hiding spot behind my bum teh gate is just out of view down teh road. Dun't worry, I has talls and strongs, so I can protect my marez.

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