Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Big Circle, Little Circle

Ohhh yesterdays was interesting. First of all, a new mare came to live with mees. I saw her, I tihnk she's beaoootiful.

Teh problem was taht i has work to do and teh new mare was in teh arena. Even though she has good looks, she takes up space and I need teh arena to myself. Oh okays my partner says, its nice to share. Fine. But i has talls and fats, and i need space!

So we played a new game cuz we needed a break from teh poles, which keep getting taller, by teh way- and tehy must be breeding cuz each time we play tehre are more poles to work wiht. Teh new game is called big circle, little circle. at first I tihnk tihs game has stupidness, but tehn I see how it works. We start at a walk, my partner at my shoulder on teh big circle. she asks me to bend my head around a little bit, then take a step sideways wiht my front hooves. We do tihs a bunch of times. tehn teh small circle happens. but tihs time my partner stays in teh center and asks for soft head and points at my shoulders, I gives. tehn after a lap teh circle gets bigger and i suddenly has teh urge to streeeetch down and make springy steps. when i get stiffs and stop stretchings, we make teh circle smaller again and start over. Tehn we go teh other direction, tehn we progress to teh trots.

Tihs is very hard werk and only athletic equinez shuld try it. but I can doe it cuz I is just taht type. My new mare was impressed.

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