Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Has real estate?

I has been fooled. Hey Ernie, come lives on 25 acres and has lots of time to play with mee my partner says. Okay, I says, tihs could be good.

Tehn the rains come down, and my partner goes right brain. So on Sundays she made us move to a new place taht has fake suns inside teh barn and lots of cover- almost like teh trees at teh Red Barn but stronger. I tries to be an ass and not go in teh trailer at first, but taht didn't work. Frank went in and I couldn't let him show me up. Ernie 0, Human Mare 1.

No more 25 acres for us. Now we has smaller space outside. Now I has to live with Frank. AGAIN. Teh good news is taht Faith is with me. Tehy tried to put her out wiht teh other horse mares, but I has a fit about it and tehy brought her back. Ernie 1, Human Mare 1.

I also has real estate. I has a stall, wiht a bucket for waters and a bucket for flavors. And hays too. I kinda like it. I gets to eat all my foods and no horses can steal. Teh humans bring everything to me. Ernie 2, Human Mare 1.

I also stay dry and warm during teh nite. I has my red sheet on too. Ernie 3, Human Mare 1.

I can get used to tihs.

Faith isn't so happies about tihs changes. She likes teh 25 acres. She was teh boss out tehere and now she has no one to boss in her stall. She has extra large real estate but i don't tihnk she really cares about taht. I give tehm a point each. Faith 1, Human Mare 1.

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