Friday, August 24, 2007

Circus Circus! But No Lions and Tigers...

Oh Hai everybody!

I graduated to teh grooming station last nite. No more paddock for mees. I stood nicely for my groomings and fly sprays.

Yesterday was very fun becuz I gots to practice for teh circus with my partner. I is not going to be in teh circus, but it is good practice for riding competitions which many are like teh circus. So its best to practice from teh beginning- no?

I gots to wear a fluffy white pad and someting she called a circussingle- basically it is tis extra long girth that goes around mey bellie and has rings on it. I has seen pictures of circus horses wearing tihs thing- so I knowes what it is.

We worked teh circus circle- teh idea was to see how far apart we could be but still goes in a circle for teh audience. At first dis was hard so we stayed close. Tehn we decided that teh word "out" means make teh circle bigger.

We also decided it would be teh best for teh show if I could trot with my head towards teh grownd. If I stretch my neck down I looks relaxed and teh audience is not scared, considering I has talls. I knows what it is like to has scares so I do tihs for teh audience. Teh word "down" means put teh head lower. We has work to do on dis one because it is hard to do for long times.

Today teh practice audience was teh geldings from teh barn. Tomorrow, who knows, meybe many peoples.

I also got to wear Bobby's english headstall. Dis confuses me becuz I never met dis Bobby and a stall was definitely not on my head. Taht would be scary. Humans have funny werds for things like dis. I also got to taste sweet iron. Ohhh taht was yummers and made me so readies for my afternoon flavors.

Sorries- pictures are still in teh camera.

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