Saturday, August 11, 2007

Spymasks, pointy thingz, snakes, venoms and bangz

OK so I got a new spy mask!!! I love it. Its black, and matches teh color of my coat. I can watch yu and yu don't really knows what exactly I mey be looking at. Problem is, teh other horses got jealous of my new powers and my spy mask is now missing. If yu find it, please say so. I luv that spymask.

On another note, I met someone new yesterday. Nice girl- but a bit odd. Poked and prodded and did something to my backside, front side, and everywhere sides. Don't know what it was all about but she says I am OK. Well, she didn't have to go thru all that trouble to find that out- I wuld've told her myselfs.

I haf started a new routine. We take a walk thru teh mare field and ten I get to have my flavors in the safety of a nice big paddock. I like it- I want to keep my halter clean, and the all teh flavors in my tummy. In fact, my partner agrees so when I'm in dis paddock, I dont wear my halter at all. Which means its just me and hers- and we can come and go as we please.

Todays I weighed in at 1158 lbs- so sez teh funny looking white snake. That thing is weird- he's so thin and crinkles he doesn't eat- so I is not so afraids of him. He can also tell me how tall I is, but I forgots to ask him. Sorries. I is pretty tall.

So teh white weight snakes don't bother me, teh pokey pokey lady doesnt bother me, but I don't always like things that spray stuff at me. Seriously, it COULD be a snake and it COULD be venoms. People, please yuse yor heads. Todays after eating my flavors and the general groomings, my partner tried to spray me. I walked away. She followed. OH NOES-not teh venoms!! Don't yu know what that is? Well, she calmly petted me and showeded me tere was no snake, and no venoms. She put her hand on my chest and that made me feel betters. Soes I just let her spray me everywheres. And ten the flies went away. It was nice. Not as nice as teh spymask. De spray does nothing for spying.

BANGed! Some of my tail hairs were getting too long so I asked if someone could pls help with that. My partner did. She sprayed some magik stuff on it sos there were no more tangles. She took lots of time to make it look rights. It is important that I look good. Now that I take walks thru teh mares pasture.

Some of my mane hairs were a little too longs so we cut those too. Its really nice.

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