Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bending Blues

I culdn't belieeve it when my partner showed up at teh barn today. Ew, it was raining and cold! But not for me cuz I has a waterproot 220gram high neck rug on. Oh but tehn I rememberd, we have teh arena wiht teh cover and teh fake suns. And latelies my partner spends time watering teh dirt in far no grass is growing, teh suns aren't strong enough I guess.

Anyways, todays I get tacked up wiht teh saddle, which is a change cuz latelies I has been doing ground work. Whatever, no big deal. Tehn teh boots on, and tehn to teh arena. Warming up I showed my partner how much practice of streching and trotting all at once. My steps are still a little small, but I has stretches and it has good feeling.

Once warmed up, we do real stretches of teh legs, I has hard times stretching my hind legs. My partner laughs and says I need yoga. Is taht a flavor? If so I want it!!

A little more work on teh longe, and tehn we go for a ride. Apparentlies tehre is a lot of decisions to be made cuz I want to control teh bit and I want to control wehre we goes and teh speed. And apparentlies taht is not waht my partner had in mind. So todays I tried to ignore her leg until it was so damn annoying I just muved over already. and tehn teh other way. I didn't really like this at all, but muving to teh right from teh left leg was much better for me. teh other way has difficulties! I try to grab teh bit and run away, but taht doesn't work so well- but I still try every now and again.

Wahtever, we didn't even has speed. No trottings. Just tihs moving over stuff. Bending tihs way and taht, me trying to eat teh reins inbetween cuz I am hungry and wants flavors and don't really want to do much more of tihs.

Finally it was all over and I got my flavors afterall. Good ones too, but nothing new in teh bucket.

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