Thursday, November 15, 2007

I has so much excitement

I heard sum human mares talking yesterday and tehy said teh vet is coming. From waht I gather, teh vet comes in 1 more sun and moon. So by human calculations, taht wuld be Fridays.

Tehese human mares fully believe taht tihs vet will helps me make has better moves. Sumtihng about floating teeth...i tihnk I recall taht stuff but usually I has sleepiness at taht time so I dont quite remember waht its about. And tehn stuff called kyropraktx and akyupukshure. I tihnk I has had tihs kyropraktx but never teh other tihng.

But wahtevers- if its all about mee (and it is), and its gonna make me feel good, tehn i has excitements about it.

I also gets to try wearing boots on my front hooves cuz human mare trimmer friend says I stab teh ground wiht my front hooves. I has excitement about tihs cuz I has seen Faith and Franks wear tehm boots, and I has jealousy over it.

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